Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spelling Bee

Each school district in our county sent 2 students to the Fresno County Spelling Bee. We just happen to be in a very large and competitive school district, yet Natalie was one of 2 students that made it. In order to qualify, she had one of the top 2 scores from a written test administered to thousands of 4th, 5th and 6th graders.

On Thursday morning her friends rang the doorbell and surprised her with a huge banner. A great way to start the day. Her dad gave her a father's blessing for comfort (and to settle the nerves) then we picked up one of her friends so she could have a cheering section. The spelling bee was great and Natalie was fantastic - spelling words that many adults couldn't. Only the top 2 out of the 41 participating went on to the State championship. We are proud of Natalie. She won't be going on to state but she certainly was a star.


Danielle said...

Congratulations Natalie!

Mary said...

I love the catch-up in pictures. Skype is nice, but pictures fill in the gaps. Thanks, Michelle