Friday, August 22, 2008

Protect Traditional Marriage

We in California are in quite a fight. Our November ballot will include a proposition which, if passed, will amend the California constitution to define marriage between a man and a woman.
A coaltion has been established to help promote this proposition and to explain the ramifications of such an issue. In all reality the voters of California said they wanted marriage to be defined as being between a man and a woman in 2000 (proposition 22). This passed with 61% of the people in favor of such a definition. But proposition 22 was only a statue and a few judges decided to overturn the voice of the people and made same-sex marriage legal earlier this year.
For those of you who believe in traditional marriage I encourage you to participate. We're walking voter precincts and could use your help. If you are out of state you can read more about the coaltion at and contribute in other ways.
Here's a recent article from Fresno.

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