Thursday, October 15, 2009

Not on the Agenda

This morning did NOT go as planned. While trying to get myself and Camille out to door to my doctor appointment, she dropped a container that had all of my nail polishes inside and one of the bottles shattered - on my carpet!!! So, thank goodness for google and wikpedia! I got it all out - but what a disaster. We were a little late to my appointment but that wasn't so bad since the doctor was running an HOUR behind. Not fun to sit in an OB/GYN office with your 2 year old. Then she had diarrhea - the kind that runs down your leg. Ugh! Can we rewind and start this day over?


Unknown said...

no, just fast forward and try again tomorrow :). I hope the rest of the day goes better for you!

thehiattfamily said...
