In 1847 the Latter-Day Saints started heading west from Illinois into the wilderness. On July 24 they reached the Salt Lake valley and called it home finally free from persecution and able to worship as they pleased. So it is tradition for us to celebrate and this Saturday our Stake put on a party with bounce houses, a pancake breakfast, a children's parade and such.
This week was Max's first exposure to the swimming pool and he LOVED it. (Who wouldn't when it's 105 degrees outside). We took tons of pictures and this video to share.
Don't you wish you could just strip down when it's 105 degrees outside (4 days in a row)! Max likes to grab his toes and put them in his mouth. He's like a little pudge-ball. I got quite a few pictures of Robin & Camille but this was the only one appropriate for the internet. Cute little kids!