Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I got scolded

Camille had her 15 month check-up today and she has gained 7 pounds in 3 months. Not only is she off the chart, she's OFF THE CHART! (She weighs 31 pounds 6 ounces - you should see my biceps!) So, the doctor asked me "What are you doing, Mrs. Scribner?" I couldn't bring myself to tell him about her 4 poptarts for breakfast, cheetos & chicken McNuggets for lunch, ice cream for snack and rootbeer with dinner. JUST KIDDING!! (How many of you were ready to pick up the phone and scold me too?) Actually, the kid doesn't eat that much. She just loves her bottles and she's having about 5 of them per day.
So we have to change to lowfat milk and he would like her completely weaned from the bottle by the next visit in 3 months.
However, if any of you are wondering what to get her for Christmas, perhaps this treadmill for kids would be a great idea.

One down, Twenty-Seven to Go......

I bought these tins in January (yes, January) with the idea of decorating them to store all the Christmas cards I save from each year (that are currently in plastic bags with the year written in Sharpie ink). And since January "decorate tins" has been on my to do list. Well, guess what got checked off my to do list today!!!!!
Now let's see what the next project to tackle is....hmmmm.

More Jabbering

We all think our kids are the cutest and I'm no exception. So here's yet ANOTHER video of Camille talking away. She just makes me laugh!!!

Our little Molly

Last week the performances began. Allyson is in the show "Annie" playing the role of Molly. We were all there to cheer her on and boy, was she GREAT! She just shines on that stage. You can see that sparkle in her eye, can't you? (Yeah, it's been there her entire life) Four more performances to go then we can enjoy a little break from the routine.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today is Veteran's Day and last year we were honoring the life of my grandfather who served in WWII and had just passed away. Amazing how quickly a year passes by. I look at the picture of Camille and see how much change can occur in 365 days.
Had to share the fun picture of my two aunts and our shopping spree! Remember? I still don't know how we fit all of those boxes and bags into the car along with 6 people!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

At the game

Here's a video clip of Camille at the game - flirting with the macho manly fans. (I'm not smart enough (yet) to figure out how to rotate the screen so that the video is upright.)

Fight on!

Yesterday we packed up the kids and drove down to Los Angeles to attend the USC vs. Cal football game. The kids were great and loved screaming, cheering, waving their pom poms and eating cotton candy and hot dogs. The people around us were so amazed that we would bring our 4 children to the game - especially Camille. But even she had a great time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11 years

That's Natalie (age 1) on the left and Camille (age 1 ) on the right. Yep - same dress. Amazing that some hand-me-downs can last 11 years. These two are the most alike looking of all my girls. (and they both have struggled to grow hair.) While Camille was wearing this dress on Sunday I found myself having flashbacks of life with my firstborn. I sure have changed in those 11 years. And I have loved every minute of raising these children. (ok, well ALMOST every minute)